Face the harsh eye of me, Nintendo! I will show no mercy! Let us begin!
Here’s the link to follow along: E3 Nintendo
- Mr. Miyamoto’s dressing room is filled with Pikmin. I suspect this is true in real life.
- Pikmin are everywhere. Pikmin on your head. Pikmin under your seat. PIKMIN!
- WiiU: You don’t need no stinking TV. Don’t wait for your TV. Use the WiiU controller! Everyone wants a tiny TV to go with their big one, right? Right?
- Pikmin 3: Look At All Dem Pikmins. Soon, you will raise a Pikmin army and crush your enemies.
- New rock Pikmin. These are not hair metal Pikmin, sadly. They’re just rocks with feet and eyes.
- Man, they’re talking fast. Holy crap, Pikmin everywhere. Look, it’s Pikmin. You know what it is. Little tiny dudes gang up and wreck crap with a little spaceman. It’s the story of my life.
- Four leaders at once, but no Captain Olimar. What happened to him? It’s a mystery. I’m assuming crushing, existential malaise and several suicide attempts.
- This is like ten minutes on Pikmin. Fuck my life.
- Miyamoto trolls the crowd by pretending to throw a Pikmin doll to them and not letting go. That’s how your dogs feel, people. Throw the fucking ball.
- Here comes Reggie. He feels like a purple Pikmin. I don’t know what that means, but I politely laugh in case Reggie can hear me, thousands of kilometres away.
- Reggie’s giving you the agenda. I bet this dude runs a motherfucking meeting like a motherfucker, son.
- Netflix, Hulu, YouTube, Amazon Video. This shit’s gonna change how you experience all this, but they’re not gonna tell you about it today. If you don’t like it, talk to Reggie.
- Reggie literally just told you to go to E3.nintendo.com. Are you gonna go or are you gonna go?
- Look, Nintendo has too much stuff to show you, so deal with it.
- WiiU will support two gamepadscreen things. Maybe you wanna know what they do? Okay, peep this: pen control, touchscreen, buttons, analog sticks, button sticks, triggers, bumpers, IR tranceiver, motion control, rumble, camera, microphone, stereo speakers, headphone jack, volume control, home button. YOU GOT THAT?
- Polite, Reggie-fearing applause.
- MiiVerse. Look at them Miis, running around like so many Pikmin. Talking. Always talking.
- This desktop thingy is super-social and totally browser-based (eventually).
- Nintendo’s going full-force at social interaction. You better have friends, sucka. I’ll be over here, staring at my empty MiiVerse. God damn.
- Super Mario Bros. U: It’s Super Mario Bros. What you expect?
- WIIU BATMAN! Batman is on your WiiU. Batman. Batman.
- Harley introduces a dude. He comes out and be all French and shit. Reggie wants him to show us some serious shiznits. HIT ME.
- Batman: Arkham City Armored Edition. What’s it gonna have? WiiU shit, yo, and armoured versions of Batman and Catwoman. Catwoman hasn’t got her tits out in this costume, so that’s a step up already.
- Look, it’s Batman beating faces on the WiiU with fun gimmicks. Either you love that idea or you’re some sort of asshole.
- Scribblenauts. Now you can scribble on your WiiU pad! The CEO of 5th Cell has boss red shoes.
- DOG CAR. That just happened. PUNK ROCK DOG CAR. Shit just got realer.
- Video package starts. I literally forget this is a Nintendo console and have to rewind when I see Mass Effect 3, among others, like Ninja Gaiden, Aliens: Space Marines and such. That’s pretty cool.
- Five years ago, the balance board. Reggie heard you laughing at him. HE HEARD YOU.
- WiiFit U: Balance board luge will shred your abs. This might actually be smart, ‘cos you don’t have to have it on the TV. Do it in a room with more space to move!
- Sing for WiiU puts lyrics on the pad, so you can karaoke it up without the screen. I have no joke for this. I think I’ve just stopped caring or something?
- Terrible acting to kick off a couple of minutes about 3DS stuff! Thanks, exec dude! YOUR CHARISMA LIGHTS UP MY LIFE.
- Nintendo literally said, “Fuck it. We’re not having one conference. We’re having conferences all week whenever we feel like. Live with it.”
- Mario Bros. 2: Goldmember. Mario loves GOLD. (Insert Glenn Beck jokes here later.)
- Paper Mario Sticker Star. Now we got stickers. This is getting really meta here, guys.
- You know what we’re missing? More Mario games. Here comes Luigi into 3D mansions, filled with ghosts, and 3D giant spiders, and my palpable, 3D despair.
- Exec pauses for applause, is glad for the break in talking, sweat beading on his brow, throat dry, hands shaking… dear God, get me off this stage now.
- Third party 3DS lineup: GO! Castlevania, Mickey Mouse, ScribbleNauts, Kingdom Hearts! And that’s it.
- Reggie’s back. Nervous guy is backstage, weeping audibly, hands clutching a tumbler of scotch.
- LEGO. Let’s play with LEGOs on the TV some more. LEGO City is LEGO!
- Mother of Pearl! WHY WAS THAT EVEN THERE!? I love you, self-aware LEGO secret agent dude. Be my LEGO husband.
- Ubisoft: We’re on all your stages. We don’t even give a shit. We even have our own stage. Suck it, EA.
- Yves Guillemot is French. Bet you didn’t guess that from the name.
- Let’s see what games he has for us to play! And by “us”, we mean, a dude on stage.
- Another dude promises not to make Reggie dance, but he will let him be the puppetmaster. Reggie is down with that. He tortures the dancers with glee. I like Reggie. He’s part evil, like me.
- You know what we don’t have enough of in popular culture these days? Zombies. ZombieU is gonna fix that. WiiU pad works like sonar, x-ray, inventory, sniper scope, hacking, and GET OFF OF ME screens. Zombies.
- Reggie gets zombiefied onscreen, enjoys it way too much, threatens to eat the French exec. This isn’t a joke. I’m just reporting facts now. That’s what I do.
- Ubisoft clip reel. They have games.
- When did Ubisoft get the Marvel license?
- Welcome to NintendoLand. I don’t know what this means, but if Nintendo made a theme park, I might actually go to it, just to duck on a green pipe.
- Remember Ninja Gaiden’s ninjastar bonus stage? That’s a NintendoLand thing now. Old ideas are new again!
- In my living room, the person with the WiiU gamepad is the boss. That’s our living room government. There are no appeals, no mercy, only the harsh rule of the gamepad holder.
- Luigi’s Mansion multiplayer: one person is the ghost, the other players are lost in the mansion, stalked by an unseen, unforgiving, malevolent spirit. I’m not even gonna lie, I’d play this.
- Some trailer played. I don’t even know what the hell.
- I honestly don’t even understand what NintendoLand is at this point. Some kind of online theme park.
Summing up: They spent an hour on WiiU games and I have no idea what’s going on with them. I guess I have to go watch a bunch of other Nintendo presentations? Basically, Nintendo made a console and it’s gonna totally change your life in ways they’re not going to tell you in this presentation. Not blown away here, guys. I guess I’m off to E3.nintendo.com?